具有光辉守护的能量,保护表面,抵御外邪的侵袭。融属木火,其性为淋;卫属金水,性收敛。迎和守护主形,却根植于内,即根植于身之正气。如果义气不足,自尊心就会升起,释放出来。木有甲乙,甲木属胆,主相火之集; B木属肝,主风木温升。正常情况下,如果正气足,风木从左升,相对火从右收,你就不会生病。若外邪使木火升多而相火不降,相火必然外泄。容气与木火升泄,故升温。相火泄漏越多,热量越高。同时,相火外泄越多,体内的正气越虚。若火泄中虚,则全身乏力,食欲不振。邪气犯表,营守不和,木气攻支,头痛关节痛。木火入肺,肺不泄而降,则咳嗽、鼻塞或流涕。在木火上燃烧肺和金子会导致喉咙痛。如果中气不足,邪气侵入,中气就会升降,失去功能,导致恶心、呕吐和腹泻。如果病人身上阳气尚存,虽木火外泄,肾根尚固,仍可归天。若肾已下虚,则正气不存,肾阳外泄,肾精空虚。如果感觉感冒和邪气,邪气郁结过多,阳根容易拔出,肾根拔出容易死。所以,气不空,就不会死。内在的正义和空虚是死亡的根源。正所谓“风吹无根之树,伤寒杀虚者”。肾气不足或不固,若外邪感染,则邪极易陷少阴,伤心、肾、神、眩晕,甚至猝死。 对于由此造成的死亡,猪流感病毒只不过是一个触发器。
帮助是基础。驱逐只是标志。香港大学微生物学系袁国勇教授指出,猪流感主要是对抵抗力较弱的人构成威胁。因此,他认为只要保持身体健康,不断进行体育锻炼,公众就无需过分担心。 《黄帝内经》明确指出预防各种疾病的关键:“正气在身,邪不能成。”预防猪流感,我们只要按照这句话的原理来操作即可。
另外,中医是辨证施治的,不是人人都开方,所以会变成西医。在中医里,同一种病,用同一种方,效果必然是极差的。因此,每个人的体质不同,感受邪气后,所反映的证候类型也不同。所以,预防猪流感,关键是要了解自己的身体状况,尤其是认清自己体质的六经脉,然后根据证候使用方剂,调整阴阳脏腑气血的平衡。 .
另外,建议多吃葱、姜、蒜等温热食物。因为这些东西能暖阳气,暖脏腑,不仅能开阳,还能开表。平时可以吃仙人粥。这个食谱原本是用来治疗感冒的,但现在我把它移到这里,作为预防猪流感的粥食谱。民间传说中的仙粥:“薏米一把,白葱七根,生姜七片,煮熟后加半杯醋,感冒或感冒了,可以养生。”寒冷的。” 、乏力、发热等症状,特别是发病3天内服用,可收到“粥祛病”的神奇功效。
具体做法和用法是:糯米50克洗净,加适量水煮成粥,再加入葱3根,姜7片,共煮5分钟,再加入50毫升米醋搅拌均匀。 趁热吃完后,用被子盖,让身体微热出汗。一般连服3~5次,感冒就好了。
尤其是艾灸可以提高免疫力,预防鼠疫感染。如唐代孙思邈在《千金要方》中说:“吴蜀常人,常需在身上施灸三两处。多行灸。”现代研究证明,艾灸可以提高的免疫功能,从而抵抗细菌和病毒的侵袭,所以艾灸可以预防各种传染病,这对我们预防猪流感也很重要。 《扁鹊心书》也提出了重视艾灸的点:“夫人的真谛是全身的主人,艾灸为先。”明确地肯定了艾灸对疾病的预防和治疗作用。
关元是丹田,是小肠经的穴位。此穴温存元气,为肾之根本。如果它根本不坚固,相火就会从这里泄漏出来。固本之法,此时温灸。 《扁鹊心经》云:“人无病时,常灸关元、气海、命门、中脘,虽未长生,但仍能寿百余年。 。”这是明确肯定的。艾灸在保健方面发挥着巨大的作用。
没有接种疫苗的人一定非常聪明。可惜现在这样的孩子已经不多了。 2004年秋天,我的澳大利亚学生CARINA来到南宁和我一起学习。当时,他带了四个孩子,还怀了一个。她所有的孩子都决心不接种疫苗。她认为,中医和替代疗法可以完全预防和治疗儿童的所有疾病。因此,她的孩子一直都非常健康,相信以后也会非常健康。
2008年冬天,位于奥瑞边境著名旅游胜地LECH的豪华酒店BURGVITALHOTEL老板的小女儿6岁,显得格外可爱。 , 永远停留在一岁的状态。要是老板和老板娘不富有,这小丫头未必能有什么进步。她每年多次飞往美国接受治疗,酒店还邀请各种治疗师和物理治疗师帮助肌肉恢复和肌肉锻炼,治疗费用难以想象。不幸的是,西方如此强大的药物到目前为止也无济于事。小女孩只能在地上爬行。最多,她知道她的父母和她经常和她一起度过的治疗师。据老板自己说,经过这么多年的治疗,唯一的进步就是现在我能认出几个简单的词了。可惜传统的奥地利人不敢相信中医,也不敢做任何承诺,更何况我只游了三天,只能把我的美国老师推荐给他们——朱明清教授,他用自己独特的朱氏头针疗法,拯救了世界上许多家庭,尤其是小儿脑瘫、车祸偏瘫、截瘫患者。
中医有很多治疗方法,不仅是中医,还有针灸、推拿、拔罐等。而且,即使是内服和外用中药,也有很多不同。所有这些方法都可以治疗感冒和发烧。如患者感冒、咽痛、恶寒、无汗、身痛,可用麻黄汤内服。 If you dont like to take traditional Chinese medicine, you can choose acupuncture or moxibustion to mobilize the righteousness of the human body, so as to strengthen the righteousness and eliminate pathogenic factors, and the effect is also excellent. People who are afraid of needles can use cupping or massage, especially if children have a cold, they can do pediatric massage. For regular colds and fever, it can be done once or twice. If you dont like it, then you can eat it. You can drink some fairy porridge, or ginger and brown sugar water, or eat a few bites of green onions, all of which can straighten the body and open the watch to ward off evil spirits. There are many methods, how to choose is entirely up to the patient himself.
Three principles, how to reduce fever in traditional Chinese medicine.
Each of us should understand what a fever is all about. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is the result of the struggle between righteous qi and evil qi, that is to say, it is the reaction of eliminating evil caused by the self-maintenance of righteous qi. If you understand this, you will understand how to reduce fever. Of course, if the righteousness is lifted up and the righteousness rises up and resists, the evil will retreat and the righteous will be at peace, and the fever will stop naturally. Chinese medicine has the idea of six meridian differentiation. If the human body is full of righteous qi, the pores of the sweat glands can be opened directly, so that the evil qi can have a door to escape. This is the way to open the sun and directly open the watch to dispel evil. If the righteousness is slightly insufficient, it is necessary to strengthen the righteousness to dispel the evil. At this time, just opening the pores is not enough, because the righteous energy is unable to dispel the evil. There are many ways to correct the righteousness. According to the different reactions of the patient, it is either Yang deficiency, Qi deficiency, Taiyin, Shaoyin, or Jueyin. Each level represents a different resistance position and a different resistance force. According to this way of thinking, you can summon up your righteousness, open the door to greet thieves, and naturally you can recover and burn down.
Four principles, how to find the method that suits you.
I have written a lot of information about colds and fevers in my space. If you are interested, you can look for it and read it carefully. I believe you will have a deeper understanding of colds and fever. I have always believed that everyone has a life of their own, which is the most precious thing in our life. We should cherish our own lives, how can we not entrust such a precious and important life to quack doctors and let them wantonly hurt their own integrity.我应该怎么办? My answer is: learn Chinese medicine by myself. In the current medical environment, this is the best way to help yourself. Only when you know some Chinese medicine knowledge will you know how to do it when you encounter a disease. At least they can understand which are the correct treatment methods and which are the wrong treatment methods, so that they will not be arbitrarily slaughtered. I read the news recently that the emergency departments of western hospitals in major cities are full, and most of them are children with colds and fever. Seeing that their children are sick, and lamenting that these parents who dont know how to truly love their children, actually send their loved ones to let antibiotics hurt Yang. Think sadly.
Five rules to prevent swine flu.
Prevention of exogenous feelings is one. The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine has long been clearly stated: The righteousness is stored in the body, and the evil cannot do it. The so-called prevention is to strengthen the righteousness. The right foot is naturally not afraid of the interference of evil qi. Even when encountering warm poisonous gas, it can produce effective resistance, so that the evil will not fall into the three yin, resulting in a sharp aggravation of the disease. Righteousness is life, and maintaining righteousness is the first means of preserving life. The correct way to prevent swine flu is to strengthen the righteousness, just like a country, strengthen the conventional army to prevent foreign aggression. Take a look at the swine flu prevention prescriptions that have been launched in various parts of the country recently, and analyze it for yourself. Which are usable and which are harmful. Anyone who abuses cold and cool Chinese medicine is harmful. If you think about it, you can understand that if we want to prevent disease, it is usually to strengthen exercise, eat well and rest well. If someone says that some blood should be drawn, some yang qi should be hurt, or the internal organs will be out of harmony, I believe everyone knows that this is a lie. But if a Chinese medicine recommends that you take some traditional Chinese medicine for bitter cold and typhoid yang, but it is called the prevention of swine flu, who would believe such nonsense? , many of which are the abuse of bitter cold Chinese medicine. Have you ever thought about it, these are all recipes formulated by Chinese medicine experts! Chinese medicine is in such a poor state, I am speechless.
Six rules to prevent swine flu from external washes
Here is a recipe for swine flu prevention. At this time, Yangming is dry and golden, and there is a kind of subduing Qi between heaven and earth, that is, warm and dry Qi. This qi hurts people and is prone to colds, fever, sore throat, and cough. Because it is exogenous evil that fills the world, the prevention method is not only to take traditional Chinese medicine internally to strengthen the body, but also to wash the body outside to get rid of the sputum that is close to the body.
15 grams of silver flowers, 15 grams of forsythia, 10 grams of sage leaves, 10 grams of almonds (crushed), 10 grams of ephedra, 6 grams of mint, 30 grams of winter mulberry leaves, 10 grams of Guanzhong, and 10 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis.
Usage: Add one dose of medicine, add water and boil over high heat, then simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Pour the medicine and slag into a large basin, add cold water to adjust the temperature, and wash the whole body. If you double the amount, you can use it for the whole family.
If you have an exogenous infection and have symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat, you can also use this method to wash externally, and take traditional Chinese medicine orally, and the effect is better. After washing, pay attention to shelter from the wind and dry it in time to avoid further cold. This recipe is always available until the heavy snow solar term (December 7 this year).
Seven rules, consequences of wrong treatment.
We already know that the human body can only be alive when there is a bit of righteousness. Righteousness is the foundation of healing, and righteousness is the main force in fighting evil. But Western medicine does not think so. According to the theory of Western medicine, only drugs can fight evil. I dont know what righteousness is. Therefore, only the use of antibiotics can resist the invasion of bacteria, and the use of antiviral drugs can resist the invasion of viruses. However, these two kinds of western medicines are mostly cold in nature, which is extremely harmful to the yang qi. The result is that the more antibiotics are used, the weaker the patient, or the paler, or the weaker, or the less energetic, or the less appetite, or the colder the hands and feet are.这是什么? This is the inevitable result of injuring the yang qi. It is the result of relying on medicines to fight off evil without knowing the result of righting it. Treated in this way, the evil qi does not go away, on the contrary, it enters, and is pressed into the three yin levels of the human body by antibiotics. The temporary cold and fever are cured, but the root of the serious illness has also been planted.这是一种什么样的治疗? Its harmful! Its irresponsible for life! Isnt this kind of medicine a waste of life!
Actually, disease is not terrible at all, what is terrible is the concept of ignorance. You have the hearts of parents all over the world, and a few know how to truly love their children. In my opinion, if a child has a cold and has many symptoms such as fever, cough, headache, body pain, etc., he should not rush to see a Western doctor, but think about how to choose, what kind of treatment ideas, and what kind of treatment methods to use. Those who picked up their children and ran to the Western Hospital, have you ever thought about why they are ignorant, yet make their children pay the price?!